Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We all have a routine. In fact, many of us have several. Some routines may only last a few weeks, others a lifetime.

There are many types of routines (yep, we can be very creative)...

Some are essential in order to function in modern society like - showering regularly, brushing teeth, combing hair, etc. Other routines are self created like... needing to drink a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Or even reading a few pages in a book in order to help fall asleep at night.

We were made in God's image, but that doesn't mean we are consistent in doing what we should be doing. You see, just like us, God has a few routines of His own. The one difference is that His routines are not selfish or self imposed. However, God's routines ARE essential for our eternal salvation.

If I were to guess, I'd say here are a few of God's top routines:

1. Forgiveness
2. Mercy
3. Love
4. Patience
5. Kindness

You see, without God following these daily routines we would have absolutely no chance of eternal life. Salvation would be lost.

So, tonight begin a new routine for yourself. Begin the routine of prayer. Take time to speak to God through daily prayer. It will be something you will never regret.

I know that God won't break His routine.

Will you?

"The miracle is not that I finished. It's that I had the courage to start."
-John Bigham

God bless you. And this is for His Glory!

Verse of the Day