I believe in many things...
But, either by choice, happenstance, or lack of intention I may not always follow through and do what I'm supposed to do. Here's a short Q&A to expand upon what I mean...
Q1. Do I believe that if I drive too fast I might get pulled over by the police?
A. Yes. But, do I always obey the speed limit? Certainly not all the time.
Q2. Do I believe that I should to do what my boss tells me to do?
A. Yes. But, I may not always follow his/her line of thinking and sometimes feel that I should do things differently.
Q3. Do I believe that if I exercise and eat better, that I will be heather?
A. Yes. But, I don't always follow through and do it.
Q4. Do I believe that ignorance of the law is no excuse?
A. Probably in some cases.
Q5. Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
A. Yes. But, do I always obey His word? No. I am a sinner.
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Romans 3:23
When we talk about belief and obedience as it pertains to God's word, it's nearly impossible to separate the two. I hear many people say, "I believe in God," then actions portray something entirely different from how the bible illustrates we should act.
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:21-23
Being obedient to God means obeying His word. In order to obey His word we first must know what His word says (and understand the meaning). In order to know what His word says we must read the bible. How else are we to understand God's word if we don't read it? His words are not hidden from us, they are very easily accessible. Just as it is with today's legal system, I believe it will be the same at the day of judgement... "Ignorantia legis neminem excusat" meaning "Ignorance of the law excuses no one."
Many people become both delighted and surprised when they begin reading God's word. The Holy Spirit begins to penetrate and suddenly a whole new perspective on life and faith come rushing in.
Remember - we are responsible for seeking the Lord and gaining knowledge of His word.
Author, Betty Miller sums it up quite nicely when she illustrates how a change must occur on our end, not on God's end. Here is a small snippet from her book titled Extremes or Balance?
"If we are not receiving the answers to our prayers, we need to allow the Word of God to change us. The Word of God never changes, and Jesus never changes; so if there is any changing to be done, it must be on our end."
-Betty Miller
For I am the Lord, I change not
Malachi 3:6a
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever"
Hebrews 13:8
Remember - The Lord wants us to seek Him out and find Him.
So, let us go out and find Him.
I love those who love me,
and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deuteronomy 4:29
God bless you. And this is for His Glory!
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