Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obedience and Consequence

If you were to go to the doctor and he were to tell you that you had high cholesterol and that you had to change your diet or risk a heart attack, chances are you would follow his advise. The consequences would just be too great to ignore.

If you were driving down the road and noticed flashing blue lights in your rear view mirror you would probably pull over without giving it a second thought. The consequences of not doing so would be too great to ignore.

If you were at work and your boss gave you a due date to complete an assignment, chances are you would complete the assignment by the date requested. The consequences would be too great to ignore

* * *

During Jesus' first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana, His mother, Mary, set a very early example for us to follow….to do whatever Jesus tells us to do.

Once the wine was completely gone, Mary told the servants…

"Do whatever He tells you."
John 2:5

It was a very simple request.

This one little statement of faith showed us the love and dedication Mary had for Jesus. Mary knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus would do something special even though He had not performed a single public miracle up to that point.

Mary’s simple request still holds true today. "Do whatever He tells you."

Since we should be fully obedient to God and obey every one of His commands, then basically we should “do whatever He tells us to do”. Therefore, by reading the Bible we know exactly how God desires us to act and treat others. The Bible is The Word of God and it provides us with His unquestionable laws for mankind.

Of course, out of convenience, there are many decrees in the Bible that people would rather ignore. Some of the scriptures can be down right disturbing or even unsettling. However, no amount of denial on our part will make the reality of God’s Word disappear. We do not get to pick or choose the convenient parts of the Bible that we want to follow. Whether we like it or not, the truth is exists on each and every page. We certainly may have several favorite passages, but that does not provide us with the luxury of ignoring the rest of the truth.

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If you were to pick up your Bible and read God’s Word, chances are you would follow His commands for the rest of your life. The consequences would just be too great to ignore.

"At the end, forever, you and I will either be in Heaven or Hell. Period."
-Father John Corapi

This post was inspired by a message delivered by Father John Corapi.

God bless you. And this is for His Glory!

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